Monday, February 8, 2016

February potpourri

Winter hasn't been all that bad here this year, no leaking roof from the snow buildup on my roof! I'm taking a pottery class on Wednesdays, I've found that working in another medium helps me with creativity slumps!

A dish/platter I made using a branch from a Japanese maple tree. 

And a wall plaque that I pressed real branches into.

And of course some quilting.  I made a blanket for Ethan, my grandson who will be two in April:

It's backed with fleece, which was easy to sew on my Tiara.  I made one before on my regular sewing machine and found it difficult because all the twisting and turning needed to quilt it caused the fleece to stretch too much!

And here is the beginning of a baby quilt for my niece:

Lastly, have you tried couching? I did, couched some crazy eyelash yarn down, not sure yet if I like it or hate it....


  1. I like your wall plague a lot: very oriental. I also like the quilt you made for Ethan; the colour scheme is really appealing and warm.

  2. Wow! You are very artistic and versatile! I like to play around in other mediums, but mostly that is so I can add to my quilts.

    I have done some couching, but never with the eyelash yarn. I do like it, though. It adds another dimension to the flower and gives it a wispy quality. The flower (btw) is gorgeous. I really like the corded edges of the pedals.
