Some garden photos, day lilies and hydrangeas. The hydrangeas are my favorite color, periwinkle, and I especially love the contrast with the orange.

Another hydrangea, plus a verbena bon..something. It was one small plant two years ago, but has reseeded EVERYWHERE. The bees & butterflies just love it, so it can spread wherever it wants to.

Friday is my class day at the Charlotte Quilter's Symposium--I'm taking a class with Carol Taylor that I signed up for in January. I dyed a bunch of fabric Saturday, then washed and ironed it yesterday in preparation. I've only taken one quilting workshop before, so this will be a kind of new experience for me. The Symposium is a statewide thing, held in a different location in the state each year--Charlotte is less than 60 miles from my house, so it won't be too hard to get there!