Monday, October 18, 2010

Darned Quilt class

I've been working on a "Darned Quilt", in an on-line class through Quilt University ( Dena Crain is the teacher, and this is my first on-line quilt class experience. First, we started with a fabric gradation (hand dyed by me, of course), and cut & pieced the curved background. Then sewed lots of contrasting strips & embellishments across the piece:
Once the background is finished, then you cut circles out, and reposition them:

It's kind of scary at first, but gets easier with each one!
My work in progress:

I think it looks awesome, now I have to sew each of the circles in place using a darning stitch. And maybe cut out some more circles!


  1. "Awesome" is the perfect word!! WOW!

  2. I think it looks amazing! WELL DONE. I love those classes. I've taken some in the past the teachers are great. :)Bea

  3. Laura, absolutely beautiful - how do you cut your circles out to perfectly?

  4. OMG!!!!
    Do you know how many times I looked at that course and couldn't decide whether to take it or not. I love QU! Would you recommend taking it, the only reason I hesitated was I wondered if I could figure it out myself? What is your opinion on that?
    It looks great, by the way.

  5. I love this fabric! This is just fabric-ulous!

  6. Love, love, love this quilt! What fun!

  7. Thanks, everyone for the great comments. As I said in my post, I'd highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to take it on Quilt University--it's well worth the money!

  8. That is very cool!!!! I was wondering how you got the circles back on, but you said at the end of the post.

  9. It does indeed look awesome. I adore this style. Keep it goin' on girl
