Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dyeing again

Another dyeing day yesterday, I mixed up two dye baths yesterday morning before work and put some pieces in. The colors I used were teal blue and khaki (both from Dharma). It's so interesting to me to see how different they turned out!

These three were all in the teal blue dye bath:

And these were in the khaki dye bath:

Because I put the fabric in and didn't stir it a few times during the day, you can see that the darker ones were most likely sitting on the bottom of the dishpan I use for dyeing. The khaki apparently contains a mixture of brown and green, and the green is less dense than the brown portion, so the brown sinks and the green sits on top--that's why one piece looks all green.
I'm also trying out different shibori tieing techniques, and am really liking how they're turning out.


  1. Wow, all interesting and some gorgeous and a BIG reminder to me to STIR, STIR, STIR. lol
    Something I tend to forget about when I get busy with something else. Although, honestly, I find the brown ones really interesting. :)Bea

  2. It is really interesting the different effects you get from the dye vat. I don't see that as a problem!

  3. Oooooo, I love the teal. That is a gorgeous color. I have never done any dyeing, but I would really like to get started.

  4. There is just no substitute for seeing it in person. These pieces are incredible! The brown one with the green showing is so cool. I love the last blue and white showing here. My fave is the batik. that's what I want to come to your garage to learn! Thanks for sharing these today. And you need to think about selling!
